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Glyco app

It's easier with Glyco!

Jednostavno, brzo i efikasno. Pomozite sebi u računanju ugljenih hidrata u namirnicama.



Na tržištu već postoje aplikacije koje nude slične funkcije. One su medjutim obično primarno namenjene u druge svrhe (dijete, proračune kalorija i sl.), a pored toga nude i mogućnost računanja ugljenih hidrata. Do te funkcije se kod njih dolazi kroz komplikovani meni, sa mnogo podataka i nepotrebnih funkcija. Većina njih se može koristiti samo na jednom urdjaju.

Our idea of ​​making it easier for users of all ages and above all simple and useful turned out to be excellent.


Kratak opis funkcija aplikacije


On this page you enter the food consumed and calculate the required carbohydrates and insulin units.

Pritiskom na polje « Plus » (+) doći ćete na stranicu na kojoj se nalaze grupe namirnica iz kojih možete izabrati onu koju želite konzumirati. Pri izboru namirnica možete birati između male i velike ili manuelno uneti težinu namirnice. Prepušteno je Vama da ubacite « mala jabuka » ili « jabuka 180g ».

Pritiskom na bilo koju izabranu namirnicu istu možete poništiti, tj. odstraniti iz kalkulacije.

Create Item

There you can create a new grocery item that is not on the shopping list. You can enter the name of the food as you like. Also, you need to enter the amount of carbohydrates that the food has in 100g and select the food group in which to store this new food.

You can remove any food from the APP, regardless of whether it already existed in the application or was additionally created by you. This way you can simplify the application yourself and adapt it to your needs. Danger! Deleting a food permanently removes it from the app and cannot be retrieved. To restore it you need to create it manually.

Create Meal

Here you can create a new meal of your choice. You can enter any name of the meal. You have to choose the ingredients that make up this meal. The application itself calculates how many total carbohydrates this recipe has. Your recipe will be saved in the "My Recipes" group.


If you tap the plus (+) box on the home page, you will be taken to a food groups page from which you can select the food of your choice. You'll notice that each food item has an asterisk. By touching this star you will automatically select this food as your favourite. In this way, you can access this food more quickly later via the "Favorites" menu. The foods that have already been selected as favorites now have a filled-in star.

Manually Input

Sometimes you may want to enter a food item manually, i.e. without searching in groups. The "Manual entry" menu allows you to enter the foodstuffs manually by name.


On the Settings page you can select the language you want to use and enter the amount of insulin you need for every 10g of carbohydrates you eat. If you wish, you can also opt out of the application on this page. Every time you log in again, the APP will be automatically updated to the latest version.


In the information you will find a brief description of the features of the application with useful details and recommendations.

Terms and Conditions

The Terms of Use relate to the rights and obligations of the users of this APP. Above all, we want to ensure that the APP is used for its intended purpose, avoiding any possible ambiguity related to its use.

Glyco app

Leading experts recommend Glyco!

Due to the simplicity, reliability and efficiency of the application, leading endocrinologists, diabetologists and nutritionists throughout Europe recommend their patients to use the Glyco application as an auxiliary tool for calculating carbohydrates in food.

Tens of thousands of users confirm their satisfaction with numerous positive recommendations. We are especially pleased that our application is actively used by users from 12 to 70 years of age.

User satisfaction and expert recommendations are confirmation for us that we have created a correct and above all useful application.

We are grateful for the many compliments and reactions

A large number of very satisfied users confirmed to us that this application is unique and that they are very satisfied with the features offered.